No pressure...first post...broadcast across the entire internet. Does it have to be full of unbelievable insight, brilliant observation, gut-busting humor, amazing creativity or museum-quality artwork? If so, this may be a very disappointing post with which to start a blog. Maybe no one will read it or know it exists, so I guess the pressure really comes from myself.
Anyway, my plan is to share my artwork with anyone who is interested and hopefully get feedback and share ideas too. I love to draw and I love to get my hands greasy working on cars, bicycles, motorcycles, projects around the house, friends' projects...whatever. I think I really hid my love of drawing at my last place of employment, which really hurt my career there, so that is something that I will do differently from now on. I really do love to draw, I have a lot to learn, but I feel like I was meant to be an artist, and since I really have hidden what I love to do out of lack of self-confidence and other stuff, I have caused myself to miss out on opportunities...possibly life-changing opportunities. To me art and artistic expression, in its infinite forms, is what causes me great joy and excitement. I love to draw, yes, but I love to paint, sculpt, airbrush, pinstripe, paint and draw digitally, create graphic design, work with typography, express ideas with pencil and paper, throw pots, hand-build ceramic pieces and even attempt to play the drums.
Stay tuned...I will post some artwork soon. - JD